How To Fix Wifi Not Working On Mac

Singh Tutorials
2 min readJul 14, 2022

Hi everyone! You may be having issues with your WIFI not working on your Mac, so, let’s take a look at a few ways you can troubleshoot your WIFI not working!

First of all, you may want to make sure you’re properly connected to your WIFI connection, sometimes your WIFI may have been disconnected for some reason, so you might want to click on your WIFI connection settings and make sure your WIFI was properly connected.

Another thing you might want to do is restart your Mac, a lot of the time, you might have an issue with your Mac that might just need a basic restart, so, go ahead and restart your Mac, and chances are, this may end up fixing the issue.

Another thing you might want to look out for is with the WIFI router as well, sometimes your WIFI may be working perfectly fine on your Mac, but your WIFI router may be the issue, so, I would recommend checking the Wifi router and seeing if there are any issues with the router. On top of this, I would recommend checking out other devices you have that are connected to that Wifi connection as well, if those devices are also having issues, chances are, your Wifi router is the issue.

Also, if you have the ability, I would recommend seeing if you can connect to another Wifi connection around you, this should allow you to update your Mac, by updating your Mac, you can possibly fix most of the issues that you have on your device, so, I would recommend updating your Mac if you have the possibility of doing so.

There you have it! Those are the main ways you can go ahead and fix your WIFI connections issues on your Mac, do you know of any other ways to fix your Wifi connection on your Mac? I would love to hear your thoughts about this!

Thanks So Much!

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