How To Fix Graphics Cards Not Detected On Windows 11

Singh Tutorials
2 min readJul 17, 2022


Hi everyone! Windows 11 is a new operating system that just came out, and there can be lots of issues that plague this version of the software, so, let’s take a look at how to fix your graphics cards not being detected on Windows 11!

First of all, you may want to make sure that your specific PC is showing hidden devices, you can do this by right-clicking on your start icon, then clicking on device manager, you can then click on view, and make sure that “Show Hidden Devices” is enabled”. If that is enabled, then you should be able to see your graphics card showing up.

Now, if that still doesn’t show your graphics card, you may have to restart your PC, this is easily one of the fastest ways to fix several different issues within your Windows PC, so, go ahead and restart your PC. Once your PC turns back on, you can then check for the graphics cards again, chances are, the card is probably visible!

If the card is still not visible, you might have to update your specific PC. So, make your way over to your Windows 11 system settings, click on update and security, and go ahead and update your specific computer! Since Windows 11 is a newer piece of software, there can still be a lot of issues that can pop up with this operating system.

Hopefully, these tips fixed this specific issue for you, if you find any other ways to fix this issue, let me know in the comments section!

Thanks So Much!

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